Wellness Tonics



We can help you to identify potential causes of fatigue, such as sleep patterns, stress levels, dietary habits, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies and underlying health conditions.

  • We can provide guidance on adopting healthy lifestyle habits that promote energy and vitality. This may include improving sleep hygiene, encouraging restorative sleep, incorporating regular exercise, managing stress and establishing a balanced daily routine.

  • We focus on optimising nutrition to combat fatigue. We may recommend dietary changes to ensure an adequate intake of essential nutrients that play crucial roles in energy production and overall vitality.

  • We specialise in potent plant medicine, so we are able to prescribe specific herbs that may promote energising and adaptogenic properties.

  • We explore potential underlying factors contributing to fatigue, such as thyroid imbalances, adrenal dysfunction, gut health issues or chronic inflammation. Addressing these factors through natural therapies, herbal tonics and lifestyle adjustments can help alleviate fatigue symptoms.

  • We can introduce you to stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises, meditation, deep breathing and mindfulness practices. You may also like our ZEN Tonic.

  • We provide guidance on how you can optimise your sleep quality and quantity. We may suggest establishing a regular sleep routine, creating a conducive sleep environment and recommending natural sleep aids, herbal tonics or relaxation techniques. You may also like our SLEEP tonic which has been thoughtfully developed to improve sleep patterns and combat fatigue.

  • We treat long covid, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), adrenal fatigue, sleep disorders, anemia, thyroid disorders, depression, chronic illness, chronic pain, mental health and other conditions that lead to fatigue.


Hers Tonic

His Tonic

Custom Tonic

Lust Tonic