Naturopath Brisbane



Our team approach the treatment of low mood and burnout by addressing the underlying factors, supporting mental and emotional wellbeing and promoting overall balance and resilience. We can explore factors such as lifestyle habits, stress levels, sleep patterns, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies and emotional wellbeing. Here are some ways in which we can support you in times of low mood and burnout:

  • Our team provide empathetic and compassionate support to address the emotional aspects of low mood and burnout. Our Founder Shannon has an empathetic nature and ability to establish genuine connections with her clients to create a safe space where you can feel truly heard, understood and nurtured.

  • We focus on optimising nutrition to support mental health and combat low mood. We may recommend dietary changes to ensure a balanced intake of essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc, which play crucial roles in brain function and regulating your mood.

  • We select evidence-based herbs and deliver them in clinical doses to ensure you receive the maximum benefits from each potent plant medicine we offer. We can formulate tonics using specific herbs with mood-enhancing properties, to support emotional wellbeing and alleviate symptoms of low mood. Herbal remedies can be used alongside other treatments to promote balance and uplift the mood. You may like our VITALITY Tonic.

  • We can guide you with stress management techniques, relaxation exercises and mindfulness practices to help you cope with burnout and reduce stress levels. These techniques promote resilience, improve mood and enhance overall wellbeing.

  • We provide guidance on lifestyle modifications to support your mental health. This may include establishing healthy sleep patterns, incorporating regular exercise, practicing self-care (such as a daily herbal tonic) and setting boundaries.

  • We also explore potential underlying factors that may contribute to low mood and burnout, such as hormonal imbalances, gut health issues, chronic inflammation, or environmental factors. By addressing these factors through natural therapies, herbal tonics and lifestyle adjustments, we aim to alleviate symptoms and support long-term wellbeing.

  • Some conditions associated with low mood and burnout that we treat include depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia and sleep disturbances, decreased immune function, cognitive difficulties, digestive problems, headaches and migraines, decreased libido and sexual dysfunction.


Hers Tonic

His Tonic

Custom Tonic

Lust Tonic