Tonic Co Brisbane



We offer a holistic approach to treating stress and anxiety. We may prescribe our in-house herbal tonics, offer nutritional counselling, suggest lifestyle modifications and share stress management techniques.

  • We specialise in creating practitioner strength premium herbal tonics. For stress and anxiety, we may recommend our ZEN Tonic, which is available to purchase here.

  • We also look at your diet and how we may optimise it to support your mental health. Dietary modifications to support stress and anxiety can include the incorporation of nutrient-dense foods and the reduction of stimulants (such as caffeine and refined sugars).

  • We provide guidance on lifestyle modifications that can reduce stress and anxiety. This may include stress management techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, regular physical activity and adequate sleep hygiene — and of course, we are well known for treating stress and anxiety by introducing you to a new daily health ritual — a herbal tonic.

  • We may incorporate mind-body approaches such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) or other relaxation techniques to help you develop coping strategies and improve your resilience to things that are causing stress and anxiety in your life.

  • We work with you to identify triggers that contribute to your stress and anxiety. We can explore environmental toxins, food sensitivities or imbalances in gut health and can help you to implement strategies to address these triggers and reclaim your wellness.


Hers Tonic

His Tonic

Custom Tonic

Lust Tonic